Prioritize Your People: 3 Ways To Thrive During A Time Of High Turnover - Burnett Specialists

Prioritize Your People: 3 Ways to Thrive During A Time of High Turnover

Nov 17, 2021 | Employer Advice

Retaining your employees is more important now than ever before. As we enter a time where finding talent is hard and many people are leaving their current jobs, it is necessary to make your staff your top priority. Each of your employees needs to know they are valued and know how they fit into the company as a whole. Here is how to keep your talent during the “Great Resignation.”

What is the Great Resignation?

The Great Resignation refers to the large number of people who have recently been resigning from their positions. In some cases, the employee may not even have a job lined up yet. While this may come as a shock to some people, workers have begun to place more importance on being happy in the workplace.

For employers, this has meant a huge shift in the way they interact with their staff members. Many companies are adopting a people-first strategy to help reduce turnover and hang on to their top talent and find new candidates. This means that they have to find new ways of recruiting talent, establishing a work culture, and working with their team.

Finding new approaches to the way you do business and interact with employees is easier said than done though. Here are three things you can do to make it easier to prioritize your staff.

Establish a Clear Purpose

First, you need to be clear about your expectations and the purpose of the work you do. Without clear set expectations, your staff may fall short of what you were looking for. This is bad for workplace morale all around. You will be disappointed in the work provided and your staff will feel bad about not meeting the mark.

Beyond that, establishing a clear purpose can help your employees find where they fit into the company. Build your company culture around your organization’s purpose and be clear about how each person fits into the picture. For instance, if your culture is built around teamwork, you will want to be sure you explain how each person’s collaboration contributes to the project and organization as a whole. Knowing how they contribute and what is expected of them will create a positive environment for your staff members.

Be Transparent

Transparency is also key to reducing turnover rates. When you are transparent you will build trust among your employees because they won’t question what is going on. They trust that you will communicate everything they need to know.

As an employer, you can begin to build trust with your staff by being who you say you are and being consistent. You should also stay open to feedback and be willing to make changes when necessary. Companies that are able to do this build meaningful relationships with the members of their staff and members of their community.

Not to mention, being more transparent will help you gain the attention of top talent. This is because they will be able to see what your organization is about from the start. Additionally, you will have built a strong employer brand by having the trust of your employees.

Embrace Flexibility

In today’s climate, flexibility is a must. Top candidates are looking for companies that will offer flexibility to help them achieve a healthy work-life balance. In fact, many candidates won’t consider a position if there is not some form of flexibility offered by the employer.

Flexible options include optional remote work, half days, three-day weekends, and altered work schedules. Having more control over when they work can help them focus on the job. As an employer, providing them with this option shows that you value them as employees and trust them to take care of themselves and their work.

Not only does it help them reach a better balance in their personal lives, but it has also proven to increase productivity in the workplace. Where there is work-life balance and high productivity, there are low turnover rates. When you prioritize your staff and the flexibility they need they will be glad to continue their employment with you.

Recruiting to Reduce Turnover! Burnett Specialists Can Help!

Many people are leaving their jobs right now simply because they aren’t providing what they need. Reducing turnover really starts with your recruiting efforts. You want to find someone who is the best fit for your organization from their desired salary to how well they will fit into the company culture.

While doing the three things listed above will help you prioritize your people now, working with a staffing agency can help you reduce turnover from point of hire. Professional recruiters can help you pinpoint candidates that meet your needs and who will fit into the company culture.

Reduce turnover in your organization by working with the professionals at Burnett Specialists. Learn more about how we can help you recruit top talent.


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