Ghosting: Keeping Prospective Candidates Engaged

Ghosting: What You Can Do to Keep Prospective Candidates Engaged

Feb 22, 2023 | Employer Advice

Ghosting is an increasingly common trend among candidates, much to the dismay of employers. In this context, ” ghosting ” refers to applicants who suddenly – and without sharing a reason – stop communicating with an employer during the hiring process. Related activities can include not responding to follow-up emails from the company regarding their application, no-showing to interviews, not communicating after receiving a job offer, or failing to arrive on their first day on the job once hired.

While some degree of ghosting can occur regardless of an employer’s efforts, there are steps companies can take to curb this behavior. By focusing on candidate engagement, ghosting rates typically decline dramatically. If you want to avoid being ghosted by applicants, here are some tips.

Tips to Prevent Ghosting and Keep Prospective Candidates Engaged

Focus on Communication

How you communicate with prospective candidates significantly impacts the candidate experience. Additionally, the methods you use could increase the odds of incidental or accidental ghosting, a situation where job seekers don’t respond because of how you’re reaching out.

Today, most candidates won’t answer phone calls from unknown numbers. Additionally, a surprising number don’t listen to voicemails. Partially, this is due to the dramatic rise in spam or scam calls, making people leery of answering calls or reviewing voicemails. As a result, if you’re only reaching out by phone, candidates may not ever know you tried to contact them.

Since that’s the case, it’s wise to use alternative methods to communicate with prospective candidates. Text messages are highly effective, with open rates far exceeding phone calls and emails. During the application submission process, get permission from candidates to contact them via text, including using automated notifications. Through automation, you can streamline any follow-up communications and keep candidates apprised of the hiring process as it proceeds.

Otherwise, use email to reach out to candidates. Along with automated follow-ups to confirm their application was received and confirm interview times, reach out regularly to keep them engaged. Personalize those messages when possible, and provide updates regarding how the hiring process is unfolding.

Make Transparency a Priority

In some cases, candidates abandon a hiring process because they aren’t sure what lies ahead. If they aren’t informed about the steps required or the anticipated timeline, any delays on your end are potentially interpreted as disinterest in them as candidates or disorganization on the part of the company. If that occurs, some job seekers will abandon your hiring process, even if you reach out at a later date to move forward.

Ensuring prospective candidates are aware of how the hiring process is planned to unfold, giving them reasonable expectations regarding the timeline. Additionally, they feel informed and valued by sending follow-up notifications as the process progresses or when changes occur. Engagement rises significantly when you use that strategy, reducing the odds of dropouts and ghosting.

Streamline Your Hiring Process

One main reason that candidates drop out of the hiring process is that it requires too much time to navigate. Lengthy applications that require redundant steps – such as asking for a resume and requiring them to fill out your application – or that involve multiple essay questions they need to answer cause many professionals to drop out before submission. As a result, it’s best to make the entry point as quick as possible. Then, you can follow up as needed to gather additional details with top candidates, making each step easier to manage.

Additionally, limit the number of interviews you require to streamline the hiring process further. Generally, one or two interviews are sufficient to make a hiring decision. Plus, anything beyond that is cumbersome in the eyes of candidates and may lead them to assume the company is indecisive, neither of which works in your favor.

Build Flexibility into the Equation

Many companies expect candidates to adapt to their schedule preferences during the hiring process. However, that isn’t always practical if a job seeker is currently employed elsewhere, particularly if they’re worried about being discreet while exploring new opportunities. As a result, some candidates may ghost prospective employers who aren’t willing to work with them to meet their scheduling needs.

Ideally, companies should offer interview times outside of traditional work hours, such as during the evening and on weekends. Letting candidates participate in virtual interviews can also make the process more convenient, making it possible for job seekers to schedule interviews during lunch breaks at work. Building flexibility into the equation by offering alternatives to conventional times that meet candidates’ needs makes a difference, allowing you to engage far more candidates.

Partner with a Staffing Agency

Staffing agencies are adept at keeping candidates engaged, leading to less ghosting. Additionally, recruiters can quickly prescreen job seekers based on your needs, making it possible to expedite and streamline your hiring process.

Recruitment firms also offer support to client companies and candidates alike. As a result, job seekers feel seen and valued, leading to higher engagement. Transparency and communication are at the core of what staffing agencies offer clients and candidates, all while respecting privacy and offering suitable discretion when the need arises.

A recruitment firm also gives you access to a vetted talent pool. Often, this lets you find top talent faster, improving your hiring results.

Do You Need Top-Quality Talent to Fill a Vacant Position? Burnett Specialists Is Here to Help!

Candidate engagement is critical for hiring success. By working with skilled recruiters, you can boost your candidate experience, allowing you to find high-quality, enthusiastic new hires in less time.

At Burnett Specialists, we understand the importance of candidate engagement. Our team works diligently to ensure an exceptional candidate experience, offering a streamlined hiring process and proper communication to meet candidates’ needs. If you’re working to fill vacant positions, the team at Burnett Specialists can help. Burnett Specialist can immediately deepen your talent pool, allowing you immediate access to more talent. Request more information to see how Burnett Specialists can benefit your organization.

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