“We’ll Keep Your Resume on File.” What Does That Really Mean?
You applied, you interviewed and you were passed over for the job. Rejection is hard to take, especially if the position was one you really felt qualified for, or the company was a place you really wanted to work. However disappointed you may feel when the hiring...
Five Ways to Clean Up Your Resume
Think of your resume like a story – your story, in fact. It is the tale of your professional experience, your personal achievements and work ethic. You want that story to be compelling, as it conveys your potential value to a hiring team or prospective employer. A...
Being Supportive of Your Employees Reflects Your Leadership
Running a profitable company isn't just about making your clients happy; it's also about making your workers happy. When it comes to inspiring hard work, happy employees are much easier to keep productive and motivated. They look to you, the management, for guidance...
Why Your Company Should Consider Hiring Veterans
There are close to one million unemployed U.S. veterans, according to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. Not only is this statistic depressing because of the sacrifice and service of these men and women, it's also disheartening because many of them are extremely...
Prepare Your Business for a Minimum Wage Increase
Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama has been outspoken about his desire to raise the national minimum wage. Since 2014, at least 10 states voted to increase their minimum wages, with many more state legislatures seriously discussing the issue. Some are poised to...
Find Satisfaction by Identifying These Right Fits for Your Career
You don't have to work at a Fortune 500 company to find a workforce culture that provides you with job satisfaction. While stress-relieving gadgets, complimentary lunches and interactive break rooms can lower your stress and boost morale, there are also other ways to...
Get the Edge over Other Job Candidates
Sometimes, the door to our success is the one we open for ourselves. Standing out from the crowd by working smarter – not harder – at applying for jobs can do the trick. It's time to clean out the stale job-hunting tactics that aren't producing results. Rewriting your...
How a Recruiting Firm Will Help You Land Your Next Job
For many job seekers, finding the right career path can be more challenging than originally planned. Whether you're looking to build your resume with temporary jobs, or hoping for a new permanent opportunity, sometimes candidates need a partner who can connect them to...
How Being a Team Player Can Help Land Your Next Job
In just about every job, working well with other people has become a vital part of being successful. All organizations want great team players located in every department. When you're on the job search, working successfully in teams is an interview question that you...
Get the Job – Show Them You Will Make an Impact on Day One
Some temporary employees enjoy making extra cash or trying out new career paths. However, most of these contract workers want this temporary position to turn into a permanent job opportunity. That is why many positions offered through Burnett Specialists/Choice...
Do you get overwhelmed by all the things you need to do in a day?
List your top 5-7 goals for the day and break the list down to 3. It's good to get in the habit of making lists; it's bad to make long lists. If you've got more than 5 items on your list, break it down to the top 3 things (you can always go back and edit in another...
Does Your Workplace Have a Cell Phone Policy?
Policies and procedures may elicit groans from workers, but they are essential for keeping a workplace harmonious, productive and safe. This is especially important in offices and facilities where the workforce is diverse in age, ethnicity and gender. One policy that...
Do Recruiters Really Trust Your LinkedIn Recommendations
If you're about to start a job search, you can expect nearly every company will look at your LinkedIn profile shortly after reviewing your resume. What they see not only has to do with your work experience, but also what groups you belong to and what others are saying...
Do You Know Which Qualities Your Top Employees Possess?
Every business owner knows that the job responsibilities for employees at all levels have become more and more complex. Top performers in any industry display strong communication skills, can collaborate with a diverse team, and are able to navigate high-tech...
Want Customer-Focused IT Staff? Look at Their People Skills
How many times does it take your network administrator to clearly explain why something technical wasn't working right? When your IT staff engages with other departments, how does it go? IT workers can often get stereotyped as antisocial employees, ones whose...
Why You Should Build a Personal Brand Online
If you're not attracting the top performers in your industry that means your competitors are. The first step to catching the eye of a game-changing candidate is to build a strong and engaging personal brand online. Keeping your company information consistent and...
Reflect a Company’s Culture to Your Employees
For nearly five years in a row, Google's corporate offices – all of them across the globe – rank as the number one best place to work. It isn't just that their offices look like living rooms or that Ping-Pong tables line the break rooms. This billion-dollar company...
Apps Can Help You Create an Organized Schedule
In today's fast-paced digital world, you can never be too organized. Tasks large and small pile up so quickly at work, and for many of us at home as well, that we can get stressed out just thinking about what's on the plate. That stress comes out in numerous ways —...
3 Methods to Test Bilingual Candidates
Companies who hire bilingual talent need employees who can effectively communicate in another language; most often in the United States, the second language is Spanish. When you need an employee who can deliver products and services to customers in a foreign language,...
3 Ways to Be Ready for Staff Turnover
When employees leave – either because they found a new opportunity or management had to let them go – their absence is felt across all departments. Not least of all, turnover can significantly impact your company's bottom line. In fact, a study by the Center for...
Give Constructive Feedback that Has an Impact
In order to encourage and inspire quality productivity, managers and business owners must address both strengths and weakness in their workforce. Understanding the ways each specific employee impacts productivity can reveal the connection between employee success and...
Boost Your Career in 2016 with 4 New Behaviors
Sometimes, opportunity finds us, and sometimes we have go to out and hunt for it. Whether you're in a temporary position or a permanent career, when the right employment opportunity comes your way you want to be prepared. Maybe you're looking to become stronger and...
Create a LinkedIn Invite for Any Potential Connection
If you're thinking about embarking on a job search, or just hoping to broaden your professional network, you must turn to your LinkedIn page. If you want to reach out to other professionals for new opportunities, either for a permanent position or a temporary job, you...
Do You Need a New Job or a New Career?
Are you ready for new career challenges or are you looking for a lateral move to a company where you might be a better fit? Perhaps it's time to take on more responsibility, or, perhaps you love what you do, just not where you do it. There are many reasons to switch...
When Is a Business Ready to Become an ESOP?
For whatever reason, you and your partners are considering selling your business to a third party. Maybe it's an issue of productivity or turnover, or maybe you're just ready to give up the stress of owning a business. You'll broker a deal that retains your job and...
Accomplish More (and Procrastinate Less) with This Plan
What happens when you get rewarded for a job well done? Even just a heart-felt thank you is often enough to boost your morale and put that extra bit of power into your productivity. Guess what – you're not alone. In fact, several studies show that when your hard work...
ESOPs Increase Employee Engagement
Business owners know the great value of employees who act, think and behave like an owner. There's one guaranteed trick to encouraging employees to feel this kind of responsibility and loyalty in their work – make them owners! An ESOP (employee stock ownership plan)...
How Do You Say “No” at Work?
In today's fast-paced, high-tech workplace, it seems like employees have much more to do and much less time to do it. When you're trying to make a strong impression with your employer and co-workers, you may find yourself facing situations where you want to say no,...
What to Do When a Recruiter Calls You Unexpectedly
Opportunity knocks unexpectedly, and so do recruiters. When a recruiter gives you a call, you may be actively seeking employment, happily working for the company of your dreams or somewhere in between. Regardless of your current state, you should always take the time...
Stand Out in the Job Market by Showcasing Bilingual Skills
Being bilingual is one of the most surefire ways to stand out during an interview. It's an extremely valuable skill that surprisingly few Americans possess. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional, most managers agree that fluency in a second...