Find The Right Talent Here For Your Hiring Needs

LinkedIn: How Your Team Can Find the Right Talent Here for Your Hiring Needs

Mar 22, 2023 | Employer Advice

LinkedIn is the quintessential social media platform for professionals and businesses looking to connect with top talent. However, it’s only a useful recruitment tool if you use LinkedIn the right way.

Many companies are somewhat passive when it comes to their use of LinkedIn, setting up a profile and assuming that’s enough. Others are wholly focused on sharing details about job openings, causing them to miss out on opportunities to engage with prospective candidates using other strategies.

Fortunately, making the most out of LinkedIn isn’t overly challenging. If you want to find the right talent based on your hiring needs, here are some tips to help you utilize this recruitment resource better.

How to Find the Right Talent on LinkedIn

Use Keywords Professionals Use

Whether creating a job description for a LinkedIn job posting or searching for candidates, include keywords that professionals use to describe the skills you’re after. Many companies have proprietary terms that don’t always align with more conventional alternatives. If you’re using those instead of the traditional versions, your job postings might get overlooked, and you may struggle to find candidates that meet your needs.

If you aren’t sure what keywords to include, do some research. See how current employees at your company in that position describe their capabilities. You can also check out competitor job listings for insights.

In cases where you need local talent due to on-site work requirements, make sure to use location keywords in searches and when creating job descriptions. Consider including your city and others in your metropolitan area, broadening your reach while still maintaining some focus.

Take Advantage of Hashtags

Hashtags function similarly to keywords, allowing LinkedIn users to find posts related to a particular topic or concept quickly. One excellent option when you’re conducting searches is to include #OpenToWork in the mix. Job seekers who make use of the hashtag are interested in new opportunities that may meet their needs, even if they aren’t actively conducting a job search. As a result, it’s a simple way to find users who are open to discussing your openings.

However, other hashtags can potentially provide value. You can add them to job listings to attract candidates who may use them for searches. You can also include hashtags related to skills you need to find to identify users with the capabilities you’re after.

If you aren’t sure what to use, review what’s listed in the profiles of candidates that have the right skills to fill the job you’re currently working on. You can also peruse popular hashtags to identify trends, which can be helpful.

Present a Compelling Employer Value Proposition

When employers create their job listings or company pages, they commonly focus on their hiring needs. However, it’s critical also to present a compelling employer value proposition, making it easier to position your company as an employer of choice.

With a standout employer value proposition, you’ll struggle to engage candidates. Job seekers want to know what the company offers its employees and may use that information to determine whether they’ll apply to openings. By openly discussing salary ranges in job postings, benefits packages, details about your culture, and differentiators that help you stand out as an employer, you’ll easily attract right-fit top talent.

Also, include testimonials from employees in related positions in your job listings if possible. Even small snippets can make your company seem like a stronger employer. Plus, candidates may trust reviews from employees over claims made by the organization alone, which benefits recruitment.

Actively Participate on LinkedIn Beyond Recruitment

One mistake many companies make on LinkedIn is focusing all of their efforts on describing job openings or similar recruitment-based information. While that may attract active candidates, it doesn’t always resonate with passive job seekers.

Instead, find ways to provide value to professionals who aren’t necessarily actively searching for opportunities. This can include posts about industry trends, guidance to professionals working in your sector, and similar content.

Participating in LinkedIn Groups is another beneficial step. By having company leaders or similar company representatives answer questions and provide insights on relevant topics, other users view your organization as an authority in its field. As a result, your employer brand improves, and you can generate far more interest in your open positions.

The benefit of focusing on value-add posts and group participation along with recruitment efforts is that you’ll connect with top talent more easily. You can develop your reputation and employer brand, increasing the odds that passive job seekers will take an interest in your openings and active job seekers will keep returning to your page.

Encourage Employee Involvement

As mentioned previously, candidates are often more inclined to trust an employee’s perspective on an employer than the company itself. By having your employees advocate for your organization as an employer of choice, interest in your positions typically rises.

Encourage your workforce to join LinkedIn and discuss what they enjoy about their positions. Additionally, ask them to share details about open jobs to spread the word about opportunities through their network. By doing so, you may have better access to exceptional talent, making it easier to fill openings.

Do You Need Top Talent for Your Open Jobs? Burnett Specialists Is Here to Help!

LinkedIn is an excellent recruitment tool, but it’s not your only option. By partnering with a staffing firm, you can access vetted top talent quickly, allowing you to fill critical openings in less time while reducing your recruitment burden.

At Burnett Specialists, we know how to utilize various recruitment tools – including LinkedIn and others – to deliver exceptional results. Additionally, our strategy streamlines your hiring process, leading to better candidate engagement and faster recruitment. If you need top talent for your open jobs, the skilled team at Burnett Specialists can help you find right-fit candidates quickly and efficiently. Request more information to see how Burnett Specialists can benefit your organization.

Quality Talent Found Here

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